A message from Richard Chapman - Director
Primarily, Great Barrier Reef Submarines is a commercial venture but the owners of the company are passionate about conservation and preservation.
Each of us would admit to having a ‘soft spot’ for a certain animal whether it’s a domestic pet or animal from the wild. We have 4 Labradors at home and these, and all those that have gone before, are much loved. If you are a pet owner, you will know what I mean.
Surely, we should care no less about wild life. Man seems intent on destroying the world and too many of nature’s creatures are at risk. We should all be grateful then that 1000’s of unsung heroes around the world are unselfishly giving their time and energy to preserve our wildlife in so many different ways and we salute them all.
We want to play a small part and ‘Do Our Bit’ to help.
Up to 25% of distributable net profits made by the company each year will be shared between Cairns Turtle Rehabilitation Centre (CTRC), Australia and Chipembele Wild Life Education Trust (CWET), Zambia, Africa. Both of these charitable organisations are close to my heart. In the case of the turtles, this is quite literally as they have a newly opened release centre on Fitzroy Island. CWET was established some 10 years ago by close friends and my wife is a trustee of their charity.
To be clear and transparent this is not 25% of sales turnover but 25% of the net profits that the shareholders would normally take as a dividend.
If you take a dive with us, then you will have an awesome experience made all the better knowing you are contributing to both of these amazing organisations and you will be ‘doing your bit’ too.
Nautil-Oz Submarines Pty Ltd t/a Great Barrier Reef Submarines
As the name suggests Cairns Turtle Rehabilitation Centre is a non-profit organisation dedicated
to the rehabilitation of sick and injured turtles. They have a centre in Cairns and also a release centre on Fitzroy Island.
Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust is a charitable organisation that focuses on conservation education for local school children in the area of South Luangwa, Zambia,